Concerts (ft Jason Molina and Will Oldham)

Margo & The Nuclear So and Sos (7/13) - Memorial Union Terrace
Beth Orton (7/22) - The Barrymore
Jolie Holland (7/28) - High Noon Saloon
The Eels with Smoosh (8/2) - The Annex
Of Montreal (8/7) - The Barrymore
Bonnie "Prince" Billy (8/11) - Madison City Music Exchange
Charlemagne (8/32) - High Noon Saloon
Okkervile River (10/6) - High Noon Saloon
Leslie & The Lys (10/7) - TBA
Magnolia Electric Co with Fog (10/19) - High Noon Saloon
Electric Six with Aberdeen City (10/26) - The Annex
Beth Orton (7/22) - The Barrymore
Jolie Holland (7/28) - High Noon Saloon
The Eels with Smoosh (8/2) - The Annex
Of Montreal (8/7) - The Barrymore
Bonnie "Prince" Billy (8/11) - Madison City Music Exchange
Charlemagne (8/32) - High Noon Saloon
Okkervile River (10/6) - High Noon Saloon
Leslie & The Lys (10/7) - TBA
Magnolia Electric Co with Fog (10/19) - High Noon Saloon
Electric Six with Aberdeen City (10/26) - The Annex
I'm terribly excited about the preponderance of brooding, dark folk including a couple of my favourite musicians and collaborators, Will Oldham and Jason Molina. If you haven't taken a formal course on their collaborative complexities, there is much to know... but here's the jist.
Bonnie "Prince" Billy is Will Oldham and the lead of The Palace Brothers
Magnolia Electic Co used to be Songs:Ohia and is led by Jason Molina.
Jason and Will have collaborated, calling themselves the Amalgamated Sons of Rest (Will Olham, Jason Molina, and Alasdair Roberts). In addition to partnering with each other, both have extended themselves to enrich the musical lanscapes with droolable artistic relationships. Jason Molina has played with The Frames, Arab Strab, and My Morning Jacket while Will Oldham has had a threesome with Bjork and Matthew Barney, been covered by greats PJ Harvey and Johnny Cash, and helped to create indie princess Joanna Newsom. If you can't tell, I want to BE Will Oldham.

i think the main reason we didn't talk much is because i'm socially awkward and can't think of good things to say ever. but the massive Jesus debate in the kitchen may have had something to do with it, too.
good post. i have not heard of some of these bands that are coming to town. we should fix that.
mates of state cover CRAZY at You Aint No Picasso!
you should tell smoosh to change their tour to suit my 9-5 job by coming on a weekend. Geez. Any word on the job hunt? How's the liver?
umm . . . let me know which ones we are going to (all??)
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