Mar 13, 2007

No More Singing In The Yard

Hasan M. Elahi - Tracking Transience: Altitude (2002-ongoing)

Hasan M. Elahi documents the meals he eats and the toilets he uses. But why? As Good Magazine notes, he "isn't a terrorist and he can prove it". On 9/12, an anonymous tip reported that Hasan's storage unit was being packed with explosives by an Arab man. Hasan is not Arab, was born in Bangledesh, and now lives in New York... and certainly doesn't own an explosive. But after being repeatedly questioned by the FBI in Arabic (a language he doesn't speak), Hasan decided to start a concrete log of his innocence. If you're suspicious, his cellphone is equipped with a GPS tracker so you see his location RIGHT NOW. Though his intended irony is unclear as he describes a heightened feeling of safety since beginning the project, it clearly illuminates larger issues of profiling, proving innocence, and who has to deal with the consequences of riling civilian fear. [Thanks Muzammil]

Julie Doiron - No More (mp3) [melancholic harmony from the new 2007 album "Woke Myself Up"]

Denzel + Huhn - Dorian (mp3) [static rain from the new 2007 album "Paraport"]


At Wednesday, March 14, 2007, Blogger Johnny said...

That's very awesome. We should all start meaningless documentation of our lives. Like everyday at 2:36 p.m. we should post a photo of ourselves or something amusing. Ooo.. like posting what brand of clothing we are wearing at the moment.


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