Feb 28, 2008

Diet Coke with Tar

Boris Mikhailov - Case History 2 (1999)

Zola Jesus is the 5:00pm choice between searching for a new job or going straight to sleep. It's the sound as these desires scream about the dissonance of the day and make their case for how to best close your eyes and wake up changed. Bickering even with good intentions only adds to the chaos and shallows the ability to make a decision. When you wake up on the couch in the night, Zola Jesus is still there like a stiff wind to shake your cold windows wounded and suck your cold toes colder.

Zola Jesus - Soer Sewer (mp3)

Zola Jesus - Dog (mp3)


At Wednesday, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

with a description like that i have no choice but to listn...

At Friday, September 26, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you have any idea where i can find the rest of that demo or download anything else of hers? my search for her stuff landed me here.

At Monday, September 29, 2008, Blogger Kyle said...

try the myspace:

At Thursday, July 02, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her music is outstanding: the best I've heard in a long time.


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