Apr 23, 2009

Great Songs of 2008: 31-40

Kate Hutchinson - Irish Grandmother

As the Great Songs of 2008 list progresses... we add a hit from one of Madison's own, a Russian-born and Brooklyn-bred Bjork, a characteristically patient K-records spirit, another artist from last year's JustSayin show series, a few ballads, and a folk pop song from Paris that makes a childhood death sound cute.

31) Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal (mp3)

32) Bell - Housefire (mp3) [previous post]

33) Festival - Bind Us All (mp3)

34) Karl Blau - Before Telling Dragons (mp3) [previous post]

35) Pale Young Gentlemen - Kettle Drum (I Left A Note) (mp3)

36) Landon Pigg - Great Companion (mp3)

37) Peter Broderick - Games Again (mp3) [previous post]

38) Orouni (ft Mina Tindle) - The Perfume Conspiracy (mp3) [previous post]

39) Civil Twilight - Human (mp3)

40) Parenthetical Girls - A Song For Elle Greenwich (mp3)

Download 31-40 as a zip file.


At Monday, April 27, 2009, Blogger Ry said...

A folk pop song from Paris? Really, is that what that is? I never would've known, despite the fact I always wondered.


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