Sisters, Sisters

When my sisters were little, my mom imagined them touring the country as a musical act in matching sweaters and bobs. Early on she coined their stage name The Pfister Sisters and began rehearsals to remake them as Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen of the Hanes Sisters circa 1954. At one point, as their voices both matured from cute to beautiful, it seemed plausible. That White Christmas, I think my mom actually convinced them to don matching dresses and sway awkwardly in front of the fireplace and the extended family to sing "Sisters, Sisters".
They're not doing much singing anymore, but maybe this is the modern (?) influence they need. The Living Sisters are a new supergroup of Inara George (Bird and the Bee), Becky Stark (Lavender Diamond), and Eleni Mandell. A reunion of The Pfister Sisters seems like a natural opening act.
The Living Sisters - How Are You Doing? (mp3)